Saturday, September 2, 2017

To the working poor, communism, capitalism is the same

To the working poor, communism, capitalism = same desolate fiscal results.

To the working poor, capitalism, communism, it's all the same, in that the end result is poverty.

The only difference is that in Communism

1. They take money out of check out front, and don't pretend, or there's no pretense that you'll ever become rich or prosper off of own labor...

In Capitalism...

1. They allow you to receive paycheck first, then after receive paycheck, slowly or quickly bleed earnings from you through fees, bills, high rent, ext, until just as broke as person living under communism.

Communism simply takes money up front, from you, which = broke.

Krony Capitalism simply allows you to get paid, then bleeds all money from you after check in hand...

I mean what's the difference...

The poor and exploited are poor and exploited whether in USSR or U.S.A.

It's all a scam...

Either one has enough to cover bills, or they do not, amount of labor has zero to do with it.

Soup lines in U.S. and soup lines in Russia, why?

Cause a few powerful families control all.

This will not make sense to brain dead talk radio types...

I pay what I want, and can, to my supposed 'Bills', I no longer let them run the show

Bills bills bills, that's all life seems to become after a while, if on fixed lower economic scale income.

(Where regardless of what Hannity, and other fake conservative talk radio types say, simply working hard will not, repeat, will not increase prosperity in life, it will simply wear your body down)

I mean think about it, if those who earn $240,000 a year, have issues paying their bills, how is it that those earning 400-800 a week not ever suppose to have issues with bills, just trying to 'stay afloat?'

Limited income means one has limited fiscal choices when things just 'happen'.

And if poor and have family, the just 'happens' scenerio compounds.

Long to the short, here's how I deal with bills now.

1. First always take care of essential bills first, no matter what, as in
a. Rent/Mortgage (That space you pay for or rent, is the most important thing in life, even if everything else falling apart, having that private paid for space, is what helps keep you sane)

b. Transportation, as in auto insurance, auto payment, ext, in 2017, especially if employed or want to be, must have reliable vehicle, and if have must maintain payments on it in that as long as have newer vehicle, newer vehicle, even if made to go homeless, means shelter, a place to sleep, and mobility and sense of self dignity, in that even if homeless, yet have newer vehicle, when go places no one will suspect your homeless, unless you tell them.

c. Food, of course, for without health, none of the above or below matters, food is energy, vitality.

Once the above 3 taken care of, then can sort through the rest...(assuming are single)
If a parent with 3 kids, ignore the above, your priorities are totally different)

The trick, or trap, giant credit card companies, department store cards (which are owned by same giant credit card companies) often do to those struggling is the following

1. late fees, late fees and more late fees.

I don't play that game anymore where a 30 dollar payment suddenly balloons to a 80 dollar payment which then balloons to a 150 dollar payment.
Now if have 5 credit cards that are all playing that same 'late fee' game, just do the math.

Now, I simply pay what I can afford with disrupting 1, 2, or 3. (from above) which was basically food, water and shelter.

In other words I pay what I owe, not late fees or penalty BS, and if they want to cancel card, fine, cause then they know won't get anything, as they'll drop to bottom of priority list.

I don't owe enough on any one card that it's worth them going to court for, we're talking under 1000 type of stuff, 300 here, 400 there, 200 here ect.

But if not careful, can mess around and end up paying 300+ a month on the whole late fee game, and basically stay stuck in fiscal pit just giving your money away while executives eat, and you get no where in life, and struggle from depression cause can't get ahead.

(This is real life I'm talking, not fake plastic radio BS where millionaire talk radio hosts pretend to know what's best for the working class poor)

As such, I pay what I can, and if what I can pay isn't good enough for them, than their move, and it's really that simple. They get what I can pay or they get nothing, F the fees and all the other BS.

When poor, working poor, either you have the money or you don't, and talking to 'credit councilors' and all won't make a bit of difference, all they'll do is annoy you, like little programmed robots hired to do a job, when in reality they could care the less about you, and your life circumstance, they simply call you, want you to call them, to 'threaten' you, make you feel as if 'must pay now or else'.

And when you call, get some out sourced person from Asia anyways who in no way shape or form feels your 'pain', if anything they laugh at it.
Nothing against them personally, they're simply doing job hired to do, but it would be like them, in Asia, having to get on phone with woman/man, from Kansans, to talk about issues in Singapore, they'd be annoyed as well.

Anyways, in closing, I now pay what I can, and not what these greedy companies demand.

Not going to pay 200 dollars in late fees, when that would take away from me being able to pay rent or auto payment, just not happening.

And I pay by mail only now, none of that pay online stuff for me anymore, cause that's how I forget to pay, where as if bills are in shoe box, right in front of me face, I know they're there and to pay them. (but that's just personal choice)

And I save at least 6 months worth of payments, or payment statements, where I write on stubs what I paid and when, and even check number in case future issues arrive.

The reality is is that in today's world, you can be 100% responsible, but if only earning $4000.00 a month (just a generic figure), and have $6000.00 of 'issues' that arise, you're going to be 2 gran in the hole no matter how nice, sweet or angelic you are, and this is when these companies show their true colors.

Take care of self first, cause when self is gone, there is nothing.

And that which is left, you'll be oblivious to it.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Better ways to earn money with car other than Uber

There are better, more efficient ways to earn money with personal vehicle, other than with uber.

 After reading so many horror stories about uber, and how they never respond to costumer or contractor complaints, I'm happy to post any alternative I can, to their exploitative way of running their company.

Negative things I've heard about uber from reading real peoples accounts of working there or being passengers.

Former or current drivers gripes

1. Pay is way way to low, while company over all keeps doing better, has made millionaires out of management and ownership, the actually drivers on the streets keep seeing their pay get cut, and uber doesn't seem to give a darn since they realize they have a constant evolving door of curious drivers who want to try it out, and by they time they get burned, will have more first timers to take their place.

2. When there is a dispute that driver has with pay, there's no 'real person' to reach, it's all done by email, robo call, ect...(never ever work for any company that thinks so little of you that they don't man the phones with real people, you have no future with such a company, none, zero)
 Uber fails to realize, and doesn't care, that the worse you treat contractors, they in turn or more likely to pass that onto costumers, by cheating them on miles, going out of route to add more to fee ect.
But uber could give a damn, and that's obvious by their lack of response to current driver my advice is not to work there, not now or ever.

Passenger gripes

1. Many passengers complain of getting extra charges on their credit cards, and again, since uber thinks so little of common people to have live operators, good luck getting issues resolved, instead costumers complain of robo calls, robo emails with endless dead end loops that don't resolve a dogman thing, other than leave costumer out of money, and a feeling of being fiscally violated.
And again ubers response?...nothing, nada, the upper management and ownership millionaires could give a dm, or I wouldn't be writing this.

2. Because drivers get paid so little, costumers often complain of drivers going out of route to add extra mileage to trip..(a very slimy thing to do)

You could make more just delivering pizza! least delivery pizza you get tips!
Or delivery flowers, or contracting with U.S. mail on the weekend or on rural routes, at least then you get paid real money!

Read more reviews here>>>

Or you could give a try, or similar companies.

I don't work for either company, and never have, but have been contractor before in commercial driving industry so I can relate to the ups and downs of it all, and know the feeling of being exploited, and not being fairly compensated for your time and equipment, extra insurance ect.

Airspace Technologies and why I think they're probably a better place to work for than uber.

1. You're dealing with packages, small sized freight that fits whatever size vehicle you have, instead of people!

2. Like uber, you sign on and off with app, so you work when you want, and when you don't want you simply turn app off!
But at least when you work, usually near airport or airports, you know you've actually made some real money worth your time and mileage, and not chump bubble gum money type of change that uber pays.
There are parents why pay their kids higher allowance pay than uber pays it's adult drivers, and as a company they should be ashamed of themselves for that, but they're not, so what does that tell you about them?
Why work anywhere where the people you help make rich from your labor don't care nothing about you?, don't have live operators, off living in Mansions, while you risk your life on the streets for them, why work there?

Anyways, give Airspace technologies a try..

Point is, there's other companies out there where you can contract your vehicle and work when you want to, like with uber, only actually go home feeling you've made some dough, enough dough to pay down some bills maybe, save for vacation, get something fixed, better your life.

A well paid driver is a happy driver is one you'll get more production from.

To bad more upper management doesn't realize that.

More blue collar thoughts and ideas, suggestions to follow.